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Meet Our Team!


PsyD, launched Life Adventures for All

with her AT colleagues specifically to

make Adventure Therapy accessible

to our most vulnerable youth

and their families.


(Dana) Maurie Lung

Ph.D., LMHC, LMFT is the co-founding partner Life Adventures For All

Rachel Freeman

 started her Adventure Therapy journey

as a group facilitator for outpatient

groups, day and residential camps,

and a trauma-informed day

treatment program

Jason Angione

MS, currently C&A’s Program Manager

of the Trauma Informed Day Treatment Program and Training Coordinator,

has been a practicing therapist at Child

and Adolescent Behavioral Health, a community mental health center in

Stark County, since 2001.

 Bobbi Beale, PsyD, launched Life Adventures for All with her AT colleagues specifically to make  Adventure Therapy accessible to our most vulnerable youth and their families. Dr. Beale’s recent projects include increasing resiliency characteristics and reducing trauma symptoms (emotional and behavioral dysregulation) in youth identified for behavioral health services, specifically targeting youth involved with child protection. Children and youth who are involved with the child protection system encounter specific trauma including separation from and loss of parental figures, as well as the challenges related to placement stability, both educational and home, and permanency achievement. Bobbi also currently works with the Center for Innovative Practices at Case Western Reserve University, promoting evidence supported behavioral health services through training, consultation and technical assistance, primarily around home-based treatment, trauma and resilience. She is a clinical psychologist, serving at-risk youth and families in Ohio since 1991; first as a home-based therapist, then a program supervisor, program designer and division director. Bobbi has specialized in designing non-traditional therapy programs for high risk youth populations with trauma histories. Her evidence supported programs have utilized adventure therapy (AT) to increase youth skills and resiliency.


(Dana) Maurie Lung, Ph.D., LMHC, LMFT,

is the founder and CEO of Life Adventures Counseling, a community organization that provides adventure-based mental health therapy and consulting. She has over 25 years of experience as a therapist, business owner, author, speaker, trainer, evaluator, and university instructor. She has co-authored two books for mental health professionals as well as a variety of articles about how to experience nature and adventure in order to heal our hearts and restore dignity. Maurie integrates her knowledge and experience of recreation, education, psychology, and evaluation to experientially provide services with a diverse client population. The growth and change she witnesses for youth, families, and adults through this process continues to amaze her and remind her of the power of playful experience. In addition to her experiences as a practitioner and administrator, Maurie provides consultation, coaching, training, and technical assistance to organizations who want to improve their level of organizational functioning or implement a more experiential approach to their services. She also is Associate Faculty at Prescott College teaching graduate courses in mental health counseling and overseeing the Adventure-based Psychotherapy and Ecotherapy programs. (MH8282/MT2261)

Rachel Freeman started her Adventure Therapy journey as a group facilitator for outpatient groups, day and residential camps, and a

trauma-informed day treatment program. Rachel quickly turned her skills toward team management and to keep all those programs staffed with well trained, team oriented workers! She ventured away from BH briefly, as an

office manager for an eye clinic, but elected to spend this year at home after she had twins. Currently she and Stephanie are experiencing (sleep deprived) adventures in parenting with 6 month old twins, Crosby and Sawyer! Life Adventures for All is happy to reunite Rachel with her Adventure past, and she now works part-time, between feeding, changing and napping, as our virtual office

Jason Angione, MS is currently C&A’s Program Manager of the Trauma Informed Day Treatment Program and Training Coordinator, has been a practicing therapist at Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, a community mental health center in Stark County, since 2001. He has served clients and the community throughout the years by providing mental health services such as individual, group, Adventure therapies and consultation. Jason started his career learning the ins and outs of Adventure therapy, its theory and practice, and assisting in the development and implementation of an extensive group therapy and camp curricula based in Adventure Therapy…and loving every minute of it! He has also served as an agency trainer on such topics as Behavioral Interventions and Remediation Techniques, Normal Human Growth and Development, Psychopathology, Violence Prevention and now Electronic Health Records.

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